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From advanced selectors to generated content to web fonts, and from gradients, shadows, and rounded corners to elegant animations, CSS3 holds a universe of creative possibilities. No one can better guide you through these galaxies than Dan Cederholm. In this second edition, he tackles new properties and techniques, including micro layouts. Learn what works, how it works, and how to adapt for browsers where it doesn’t.
Many of the CSS3 properties Dan discussed in 2010 now have wider browser support, which means you can feel even more confident putting them to use. In this updated edition, Dan has carefully refreshed code samples, removed old hacks that are no longer necessary, and written a whole new chapter on micro layouts. There’s no better time to dive in to—or polish up—your CSS3 skills.
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byJeremy Keith & Rachel Andrew
Get up to speed with new editions of the definitive guides to HTML5 and CSS3, through approachable, entertaining writing and practical examples. Chrono trigger wad ntsc.
New browser versions and updated features test our documentation to stand up to time. Dan Cederholm freshens this book to the latest standards: adding crucial info about new approaches like flexbox, and cleaning out the cruft that we no longer need to worry about.
—Chris CoyierCreator of CSS-Tricks and cofounder of CodePen
CSS3 is still unchartered territory. Specifications have been drafted and implementations are emerging, but authors will need a good guide to get through the marshes. Dan’s book is an excellent companion for CSS3 pioneers.
—HÅkon Wium LieCo-creator of CSS, CTO of Opera Software
If you need a cogent, concise, comprehensible, and above all compelling tour of the latest and greatest in CSS3, look no further. As ever, Dan is the man!.
—Eric MeyerAuthor, CSS: The Definitive Guide and Eric Meyer on CSS
Dan has a wonderful gift for breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-understand steps. I have always found the CSS3 transitions and transforms syntax challenging, but Dan makes it simple.
—Nicole SullivanCreator, Object-Oriented CSS open source project